Friday, June 21, 2013

Ways to Stimulate Employee Motivation

Today’s fast-moving business environment demands that the effective manager be both a well-organized administrator and highly adept in understanding people’s basic needs and behavior in the workplace. Gaining commitment, nurturing talent, and ensuring employee motivation and productivity require open communication and trust between managers and staff.

1. Understand their behavior.

People at work naturally tend to adopt instinctive modes of behavior that are self-protective rather than open and collaborative. This explains why emotion is a strong force in the workplace and why management often reacts violently to criticisms and usually seeks to control rather than take risks. So, in order to eliminate this kind of perspective and to increase employee motivation, it is best that you influence behavior rather than to change personalities. Insisting what you expect from your employees will only worsen the situation.

2. Be sure that people’s lower-level needs are met.

People have various kinds of needs. Examples of lower-level needs are salary, job security, and working conditions. In order to increase employee motivation, you have to meet these basic needs. Consequently, failures with basic needs nearly always explain the dissatisfaction among staff. Satisfaction, on the other hand, springs from meeting higher-level needs, such as responsibility progress, and personal growth. When satisfaction is met, chances are employee motivation is at hand.

3. Encourage pride.

People need to feel that their contribution is valued and unique. If you are a manager, seek to exploit this pride in others, and be proud of your own ability to handle staff with positive results. This, in turn, will encourage employee motivation among your people.

4. Listen carefully.

In many areas of a manager’s job, from meetings and appraisals to telephone calls, listening plays a key role. Listening encourages employee motivation and, therefore, benefits both you and your staff. So make an effort to understand people’s attitudes by careful listening and questioning and by giving them the opportunity to express themselves.

5. Build confidence.

Most people suffer from insecurity at some time. The many kinds of anxiety that affect people in organizations can feed such insecurity, and insecurity impedes employee motivation. Your antidote, therefore, is to build confidence by giving recognition, high-level tasks, and full information. In doing so, you only not refurbish employee motivation but boost productivity as well.

6. Encourage contact.

Many managers like to hide away behind closed office doors, keeping contact to a minimum. That makes it easy for an administrator, but hard to be a leader. It is far better to keep your office door open and to encourage people to visit you when the door is open. Go out of your way to chat to staff on an informal basis. Keep in mind that building rapport with your staff will effectively increase employee motivation.

7. Use the strategic thinking of all employees.

It is very important to inform people about strategic plans and their own part in achieving the strategies. Take trouble to improve their understanding and to win their approval, as this will have a highly positive influence on performance and increasing employee motivation as well.

8. Develop trust.

The quality and style of leadership are major factors in gaining employee motivation and trust. Clear decision making should be coupled with a collaborative, collegial approach. This entails taking people into your confidence and explicitly and openly valuing their contributions. By simply giving your staff the opportunity to show that you can trust them is enough to increase employee motivation among them.

9. Delegate decisions.

Pushing the power of decision-making downward reduces pressure on senior management. It motivates people on the lower levels because it gives them a vote of confidence. Also, because the decision is taken nearer to the point of action, it is more likely to be correct. Consequently, by encouraging them to choose their own working methods, make decisions, and giving them responsibility for meeting the agreed goal will encourage employee motivation among your staff.

10. Appraising to motivate.

When choosing methods of assessing your staff’s performance, always make sure that the end result has a positive effect on employee motivation and increases people’s sense of self-worth. Realistic targets, positive feedback, and listening are key factors.

If you follow these simple steps in increasing employee motivation, rest assured you will have a good working relationship with your staff at the same time boost your company’s productivity. Just bear in mind that people are employed to get good results for the company. Their rates of success are intrinsically linked to how they are directed, reviewed, rewarded, trusted, and motivated by the management.

Wednesday, June 19, 2013

Part 8 - Some Great Quotes that Will Transform Your Life

Today I will share quotes about, "TIME". This is the last part of this "Quotes That Will Transform Your Life and Business".

1. Don’t let the past steal your present.

We all dwell on the past too much. I know I do. Don’t let your past determine your future. Focus on what you want to do, and go do it. Release the past and step into your potential. Remember who you really are.

2. Time spent laughing is time spent with the Gods.

Last, but not least, remember to enjoy your life. Remember to be grateful for the little things. Remember to be kind to the people around you and remember to follow your heart. And of course, remember to read inspiring quotes on a daily basis!

3. Procrastination is the bad habit of putting off until the day after tomorrow what should have been done the day before yesterday.

Take whatever you’re procrastinating on and do it right now. Get into the habit of using your awareness of procrastination as a trigger to take action. When you make it a habit, you are no longer slave to that which we call procrastination.

4. Take time for all things: great haste makes great waste.

Remind yourself to be present with whatever you are doing. Keep your focus on one thing. Avoid multi-tasking. It doesn't allow you to get into the flow and dip your soul into the eternal nature of all that is.

5. Beware the barrenness of a busy life.

You can do a lot of busy work. Actually doing the work is when you get results, but it’s hard and we tend to procrastinate a lot. If you’re just going to be busy, you might as well do something else. Do something that matters or nothing at all.

6.  Time you enjoyed wasting is not wasted time.

There is nothing wrong with wasting time. I tend to force myself to work, so I have had to learn that wasting some time and having fun isn't a deadly sin. It’s essential to a happy life.

7. The only reason for time is so that everything doesn't happen at once.

Time is an interesting beast, because it is relative. Put your hand on a stove and time moves slowly. Watch an excellent movie with someone you love and time flies by.

Saturday, June 8, 2013

Part 7 - Some Great Quotes that Will Transform Your Life

Today I will share some quotes about, "LIFE".

1. Life is change. Growth is optional. Choose wisely.

Everything around you and inside you is constantly changing. The people that resist this process are the ones constantly whining and complaining. They are in constant internal agony. Keep going, be curious, ask the right questions and remember to breathe.

2. A good traveler has no fixed plans, and is not intent on arriving.

Have plans, but do not be rigid. Be present and focus on each task. Thinking about an end goal will cause stress, because your mind is focusing on the future, on lack, instead of focusing on what’s in front of you.

3. Always bear in mind that your own resolution to succeed is more important than any other.

You determine your success. No tools, strategies or courses can do it for you. If someone has resolved, but bad tools, he will succeed. But it someone has poor resolution and the best tools in the world, I certainly wouldn’t bet on him or her.

4. Be kind, for everyone you meet is fighting a hard battle.

We’re all going through this journey together, and we all have our own problems. Remember to be kind. Remember others, because you are not the only one that has problems. Focus your energy on being kind and helping. You will see a difference in your life.

5. One day your life will flash before your eyes. Make sure it’s worth watching.

One day you will die. Why not make your life worth it? Every fear you have will disappear. They only exist because you have given credence to them. They exist because you allow them to.

6. Nature does not hurry, yet everything is accomplished.

There is no rush anywhere. The perfection of life lies in the ability to accept the perceived imperfection. This is why I recommend you find your passion, because life is a process that never ends. If you find something you love doing, you will be at peace. If you strive for a big payday, you will be striving even when you hit your goal.

7. Sometimes the road less traveled is less traveled for a reason.

You don’t have to re-invent the wheel if you’re starting something new. It’s perfectly okay to learn from someone who’s already been where you want to be.

8. He who is not courageous enough to take risks will accomplish nothing in life.

You have to be willing to take risks. I’m not talking about going for broke with a slim chance of success. I am talking about jumping into the unknown and going after the things that excite you, even if you are afraid.

9. People spend a lifetime searching for happiness; looking for peace. They chase idle dreams, addictions, religions, even other people, hoping to fill the emptiness that plagues them. The irony is the only place they ever needed to search was within.

There is nowhere to go. There is nowhere you have to be. Happiness comes from within and looking for it outside of yourself will only lead you deeper down the rabbit hole.

10. What you do not want done to yourself, do not do to others.

This is such a simple quote, yet so powerful. If everyone lived by this, the world would be a better place. Treat others with respect and kindness, because that is how you would like to be treated, right?